8 Vitamins and Minerals To Help Your Tooth Enamel.


Vitamin and mineral-rich food can naturally strengthen tooth enamel.

Additionally, it may assist in guarding your teeth against acid-eroding foods and beverages.

The healthy foods that contain the vitamins and minerals necessary for strong enamel are listed below.


Because it contributes to the strengthening of your enamel, calcium is one of the most essential minerals for healthy teeth.

This nutrient aids in the process of re-mineralization and is the essential building block of teeth and bones.

You probably already know that dairy products are a great source of calcium, but leafy greens, beans, and almonds are also good sources of the mineral.

Vitamin D.

Vitamin D is necessary for your body to absorb calcium because it not only increases mineral density but also aids in the absorption, transport, and deposit of calcium in the bones that support your teeth.

Vitamin D is added to cereal and some dairy products, but you can also get it naturally from the sun.

Particularly, vitamin D3 aids in the formation and repair of teeth and bone.


The structural development of teeth and the body's ability to absorb calcium both require magnesium. 

Keep in mind that too much phosphorus, calcium, and vitamin D can lower magnesium levels in the body.

Osteocalcin, a protein necessary for the dentin matrix that aids in growth and repair, is stimulated by vitamin K2.

Additionally, it aids in the remineralization of teeth in conjunction with matrix-GLA proteins.

To strengthen your teeth, think about taking up to 400 milligrams of magnesium each day.

Vitamin C.

The synthesis of collagen in dentin is greatly aided by vitamin C.

Additionally, the growth, repair, and upkeep of teeth and gums all depend on vitamin C.

It is different from the others because it concentrates on the gums rather than the strength of the teeth.

In addition, it is responsible for the formation of blood vessels and other important gum tissues that support your teeth.

To possibly boost your body's ability to maintain healthy teeth and gums, look for foods high in vitamin C like kale or oranges.


Phosphorus is a good choice for strengthening tooth enamel.

Because it can naturally help protect and rebuild tooth enamel, phosphorus is important to dental health.

Protein-rich foods like meat, poultry, fish, and eggs are the best sources of phosphorus.

Vitamin A.

Your gums and tooth enamel both benefit greatly from vitamin A.

Keratin is a protein that is formed in teeth enamel by utilizing vitamin A.

Orange, sweet potatoes, cantaloupe, and carrots are the most abundant sources of vitamin A.

The vitamin is linked to an increase in saliva production in the mouth.

The production of more saliva can also support healthy gums and teeth.

The primary purpose of eating more vitamin A is to increase saliva production and supply.

Your enamel may be strengthened by including foods or supplements high in vitamin A in your diet.


Your teeth are largely composed of collagen.

The organic parts of the bone, cementum, and dentin are the most common places to find type 1 collagen. 

Your teeth could develop malformations if you don't have Type XVII, which is necessary for the formation of enamel.

Animal products typically contain collagen.

Because it contains the most type 1 collagen, grass-fed cattle are the best source of collagen.

Vitamin K.

Another essential fat-soluble vitamin, vitamin K aids in wound healing and blood clotting.

Vitamin K is necessary during any dental procedure where bleeding may be a concern. 

Vitamin K's important role as a calcium-binder means that it can help strengthen teeth.

It can also help with both bone density and growth.
