7 Ways To Protect Your Tooth Enamel From Eroding


The hard outer layer of your teeth known as tooth enamel, helps to protect the soft inner tissue known as the pulp from decay and infection.

Enamel can degrade over time, and make your teeth more susceptible to damage, despite its superior strength to bone.

Protecting your tooth enamel is an important part of your overall dental health, since it cannot be rebuilt once it is lost.

You can protect your tooth enamel in the following 7 ways to avoid symptoms like pain, sensitivity, discoloration, and long-term dental issues.

1. Sugary and acidic beverages should be avoided.

It is best to avoid foods and drinks that are very acidic or have a lot of sugar.

These types of food allow bacteria to grow in your mouth and break down your enamel.

Dental erosion can be exacerbated by overindulging in alcoholic beverages, sweets, soft drinks, sports drinks, and candy.

Make an effort to drink beverages that can harm your tooth enamel, with a straw to keep them from touching your teeth.

2. Eat a lot of dairy products and fruits and vegetables.

Your saliva flow is aided by foods high in fiber, like fruits and vegetables.

This not only helps restore trace minerals to your teeth, but also protects your tooth enamel from acid damage.

Additionally, dairy products like milk, and cheese are excellent sources of calcium, which aids in tooth enamel strengthening.

Add calcium-fortified foods to your diet, such as certain ready-to-eat cereals, if you can't eat dairy.

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3. Avoid overbrushing.

It is essential to brush your teeth at least twice a day, but you shouldn't assume that vigorous brushing is better for your teeth.

Too much brushing can damage some of your tooth enamel.

Brush for two minutes each time with a soft toothbrush in short, gentle strokes.

If you're polishing an eggshell with pressure, you're doing it correctly.

4. Use toothpaste with fluoride.

The most important thing you can do to prevent enamel erosion is to take good care of your teeth.

However, using a fluoride toothpaste will increase your chances of maximizing the benefits of your daily brushing routine.

5. Take in more water.

The majority of people do not get enough water, which is necessary for many body functions.

If you want to remove bacteria and saliva from your teeth after eating, try drinking more water.

Water is a great drink because it is completely tooth-safe.

6. Supplement your diet.

If you don't get enough calcium from your food, you might try taking calcium supplements.

You can avoid vitamin deficiencies by taking simple vitamins that contain all of your recommended daily allowance.

7. Avoid eating before going to bed.

After eating, saliva typically neutralizes acid within half an hour to an hour.

However, saliva production decreases significantly while you are sleeping.

Acid's neutralizing effect is slowed as a result, allowing it to interact with enamel for longer.

To avoid leaving too much acid on your teeth, try to eat a few hours before going to bed.

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